Monday, 3 October 2011

Sharing the Experience - Kailey w/ Raechel R

Kailey's plate on the left, Raechy's on the right.
This is Raechel, I have known her since eighth grade. We are pretty good friends. Andrew, Carson and Josh met Raechel more recently. This summer I won a bet against her that I could go vegetarian for a month. This morning we walked the island with our pal Anita (who had to leave right away). After went out for a nearly waste free lunch. And now we are watching The Clean Bin Project: A Film Documentary. Raechel unfortunately couldn't make it to the screening with us and is getting to watch the movie for the first time only now.

Raechel's opinion on the project: Well I think this project is pretty cool, personally I don't think I could do it for a full year, but I'm going to try it out and see what happens (I know I can do it for 3 months at least......after I buy my guitar, because I've been waiting for buy my guitar). Yeah! So Stoked! Can't wait to go 'worm hunting' with Kailey the next time it rains, so she'll have more than 20 in her compost, and I can begin to start mine.
Raechel's one more thing: Get recycling bins at my work, since there isn't any anywhere, pretty sure. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd try to make creative stuff out of stuff like stuff that's hard to recycle because it can't really be recycled....That sentence made no sense, but you get the idea. So basically, recyclable art projects are going to be everywhere in my house! The End.

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