Sunday, 11 December 2011


We maybe kinda gave up. We made it like, a month though. Maybe next year?

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Day 35 - Watching Clean Bin w/ Sophie, Andrew and Kailey.

Kailey & Andrew & Sophie
Sophie's Opinion On The Challenge : I think it is a very admirable thing to do. I personally think for me it is impossible, but I definitely think I'm going to put some aspects of the challenge into my everyday life. I also read blog and I support fully what they are doing.
 Sophie's One More Thing :  I am going to see what else I can recycle and I am going to ask for less packaging. I am also going to look at buying more organic and local food. :)

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

7 Days To Create A Habit? I think that is the saying- Kailey

Its been 27 days. At my house only our recycling bin was put out for collection. Anything and everything that can be recycled, does. Not only have we been recycling like crazy, but we have took on reusing to a new level. As an example; my dad is the master of homemade raspberry jam and he reuses empty/cleaned containers (e.g. yogurt) to store it in instead of buying new ones. He has always done this. Another example; I recently discovered a hair curling method online, using a sock! It does take some practice, but it works. There is no heat involved either (less damaging on the hair), with no need to plug in a curling iron. Once a unwearable sock with holes in the toe, now a valued hair accessory. How To: Sock Hair Curling

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Day 20 Progress Report

Andrew H
Material items bought :0-but wants to buy things.
Garbage bin level : nearly empty-silly string

Carson G
Material items bought : 1-composter
Garbage bin level : empty

Josh R
Material items bought : 0
Garbage bin level : couple things

Kailey J
Material items bought : 0
Garbage bin level : nearly empty-broken dish

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Bear Business

Earlier this week I decided it was time to get a composter, my family was getting pretty fed up with the ice-cream pails filled with compostables. The first night went fine. The second night, not so much. I had just got home from a late night in town, and when I was sneaking in my house through the backyard, I noticed bear droppings. Not feeling much of a bear tracker at that moment, I just went inside. The next morning  took a look at what kind of trouble the bear made, it basically ate my compost and left it  the form of droppings all over my yard. It wasn't too bad to clean up, but the bear messed my composter up a it; the picture above is half-way through putting it back together. Another lesson learned, be a little 'bear aware', I guess those elementary school presentations had a point.


Monday, 10 October 2011

I meant to do that, obviously. - Kailey

 Only twelve days in and I am one broken dish ahead of Andrew, Carson and Josh. Murphy's Law? Or Perhaps this is something more specific to the challenge...Jen's Law? At least it is a small dish.

And to counterbalance this small unfortunate event, I must also add in; A) I have be washing/reusing plastic bags (that would have have hit the trash in the past), B) I have striving to achieve waste free baking, and lastly, C) I have gotten ordering waste free down pat.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


well yesterday for the first time in a couple of years I went to the local farmer's market. It was pretty awesome, but the most surprising thing was to see the amount of people using plastic one use bags. Just after the farmer's market my sister, her boyfriend and I went to safeway and i was pretty happy because i save about 5 plastic bags from being used! :)


Saturday, 8 October 2011

Only 355 days to go. - Kailey J

   And I have even eliminated the need to purchase books. Okay, it is sad that I hadn't been using the public library already. I lost my card ages ago and resorted to my school's book selection. And since graduating I had begun to buy books to read. But not anymore.

**Also that jacket I am wearing, it is from 2008. I had to go and dig it out of my closest.  All due to the fact that my regular jacket was stolen during a recent trip I was on. If this one goes, I will end up borrowing from my mom :/

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

FIrst Week

Today marks the conclusion of my first week being ZERO waste, it was surprisingly a lot easier than I was expecting. The hardest part was discovering what can and cannot be recycled, and if it can be recycled in our municipal curb side pick up. It turns out most things can be recycled like chip bags and bubble wrap etc. You just have to bring them to special recycling depots. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the year and finding out more about recycling and our environment.


Monday, 3 October 2011

Sharing the Experience - Kailey w/ Raechel R

Kailey's plate on the left, Raechy's on the right.
This is Raechel, I have known her since eighth grade. We are pretty good friends. Andrew, Carson and Josh met Raechel more recently. This summer I won a bet against her that I could go vegetarian for a month. This morning we walked the island with our pal Anita (who had to leave right away). After went out for a nearly waste free lunch. And now we are watching The Clean Bin Project: A Film Documentary. Raechel unfortunately couldn't make it to the screening with us and is getting to watch the movie for the first time only now.

Raechel's opinion on the project: Well I think this project is pretty cool, personally I don't think I could do it for a full year, but I'm going to try it out and see what happens (I know I can do it for 3 months at least......after I buy my guitar, because I've been waiting for buy my guitar). Yeah! So Stoked! Can't wait to go 'worm hunting' with Kailey the next time it rains, so she'll have more than 20 in her compost, and I can begin to start mine.
Raechel's one more thing: Get recycling bins at my work, since there isn't any anywhere, pretty sure. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd try to make creative stuff out of stuff like stuff that's hard to recycle because it can't really be recycled....That sentence made no sense, but you get the idea. So basically, recyclable art projects are going to be everywhere in my house! The End.

Day 5 - Really Getting Into It - Kailey.

Alright, I think I might have almost reached the point of being content with the recycling system in my household. And my worms are still kicking (wiggling at least).

Also set up in our kitchen is a scale and chart, for the community challenge I signed us up for. But I must admit I am pretty impressed on how much waste we have already cut down on, there was no point in putting out the garbage this morning because the bin was still less than half full.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Torturous Mall - Kailey

Yes, I visited the mall today. No, I did not buy anything material or unacceptable. Mostly my mother needed help re-setting up her cell phone plan. Either way Andrew and I ended up browsing through some stores and we were pained to see all the goods we challenged ourselves not to purchase. Perhaps I am exaggerating a little.  However I think very few mall trips will be made over the next year (minus 4 days). Just to stay on the safe side.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Carson's first couple of days

The project first got exciting for me when Kailey and I went grocery shopping, I was genuinely looking forward to having a healthy lunch, because face it; my lunches were pretty unhealthy. The picture above is the bag I've been carrying around with all my food and my "compost" (for now). It's sort of annoying to keep with me, but it must be done I suppose.

   Yesterday when I was at work I had a bit of a slip-up, I had just finished eating my lunch, and I accidentally threw my orange peel into the dumpster! I immediately realized my mistake, and took responsibility. I climbed up onto the dumpster and jumped in. Good news: It had just been emptied so it was pretty much empty; Bad news: it was empty... And difficult to climb out. Needless to say I made it out with my orange peels. That is a mistake I do not intend to make again anytime soon.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Kailey's Grandmother is a Recycling Pro.

Look at Grandma go, reusing this banana box.

When the guys are at school/work I find myself thinking about how to get creative for up coming birthday gifts (already have ideas for my friends brother, Kurtis, Andrew and Carson).
I also spend my time cleaning, going out with my Grandma to buy fruit and (would be) exploring more job opportunities (except the meeting today was cancelled).

Not to mention checking out Chris Jordan's incredible art on a site recommended for me to see!      
His site here!!
A ton of eye opening images.

And lastly planning a recycling roadtrip for the four us to Vancouver to take advantage of depots I cannot seem to find available in Kamloops!

That Awkward Moment When You're Scooping Orange Peels Into Your Bag. - Kailey J

Being responsible for my own compost/garbage in public will have to be something to get use to.
Another upcoming challenge is all the birthdays I am about to face! And without buying any material presents.
  • my friends younger brother - Tomorrow!
  • My friend Kurtis - Oct 10
  • Andrew H - Oct 14
  • Carson G- Oct 20
  • both my parents are in November
  • my grandmother and Josh in December
and about half a dozen others. Then it'll be Christmas!
Any spare time I thought I might have had, is now gone. Time to think of experiences!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Josh's first day!

Well the first day down it was pretty tough. Funny story i went to Mc Donald's today and got a couple of hamburgers  I told the lady who was working the counter that I didn't want packaging and she gave me the weirdest look you have ever seen. you know the one that says "what the hell are you on buddy?" she was so confused i stood there explaining it for about two minutes. They gave me my food but they handed it to me on a styrofoam plate so frustrating!!!!! The good thing though I've got a fast food plate now!!!!

- Josh

Some Changes at Kaileys.

 << I set up lists. E.g. what can go into the single bin recycling that will be picked up by the city.

As well as a somewhat organized system for recyclables and the only garbage bag in the house >>

And lastly a small indoor composting system.


Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Us! The not trashy crew!

Andrew H.
As you can probably tell that is me, I am currently attending high school and work part time. My reason for partaking in this blog slash challenge is that I'm finding my self to be quite wasteful for no reason. And I'm starting to realize that we are affecting our world in a negative way and I want to start contributing to the bettering of our environment. Some of my hobbies are photography (mostly nature), skiing, and trying to be creative in anyway i can whether it be with my photography or just the way I interact with others. And now being eco friendly is starting its way on to the list. I hope that through this blog me and my awesome partners in Eco Friendlyinisum can inspire change in my family and friends and who knows     maybe it will help others ? :)

Carson G.
Likes: being healthy, staying in shape, sexist jokes
Dislikes: stuck up/rude people
Goals: to eat healthier, to win
Prediction for the project: Kailey will win.

Josh R.
Likes: Food, out doors, snowboarding, skimboarding, and sleep. :)
Dislikes: being hungry, tired and not being able to think of what i dislike...
Goals: to change my way of life and be less harmful to our planet.
Prediction for the project: I have no idea a lot can happen in a year.

Kailey J.
Likes: purple, fastball, challenges, going to the movies, my jobs, crafty art, camping, traveling, volunteering.
Goals: to find a career benefiting the world, to inspire people, to travel more.
Predictions for this project: Well...I think it will hard not shopping or buying things, but I think I can survive the year. I think it will be fun to try and think of gifts/experiences for people. And I predict that we will all make it to the end. Hopefully no one will cheat.

We're Not Trashy - The Beginning

This our crew. Josh, Andrew, Carson and Kailey.
Our challenge - to not produce any waste for an entire year (or as little to none). As well as not buy any material items during this period.
We were inspired after meeting Grant & Jen and watching The Clean Bin Project, A Documentary.
The Clean Bin Project this link leads to their blog.